Green Trust

Green Trust Consultancy is a specialist in wind energy projects. In addition, the right expertise is provided for various customers during all phases of a wind project, so an optimal result will be achieved.

Procurement management

Aratis supports Green Trust Consultancy with procurement management and contract management for two wind projects. The Balance of Plant under UAV-GC and the wind turbine contract under FIDIC are contracted by the procurement manager of Aratis. The effective Green Trust contract formats with specific attention to risk management and guarantees are being used. They will be complemented by the tactical execution of the tender process, which is a typical way of working of Aratis.

  • Risk management

  • Procurement

  • Contract management

Wybran Jansen
Wybran Jansen
For Wybran, wind energy is his field of work and procurement is central. He knows how to properly combine the typical defined world of contracts with more complex stakeholder management. Read more about Wybran here

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Whether you want to discuss a complex issue as a client or you are a professional who is looking for a serious change. Please contact us for a further introduction and a cup of coffee!