Each project offers a chance to improve collaboration and quality. “To deviate from the beaten path is the best solution”.

Aratis works with a solid core of complementary professionals who perform optimally. They enable each other to excel by applying vision, knowledge, strategies, experience and knowledge of building. With always that urge for improvement.

Michel Stoelinga
Michel StoelingaSenior Partner and Senior Consultant
With the founding of the Aratis Groep in 2007, Michel followed his ambition to manage contract risks for clients in various markets.
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Johan Dekker
Johan DekkerSenior Partner
Johan connects organisations and professionals so that they reinforce each other in realising projects and achieving objectives.
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Menno Wouda
Menno WoudaPartner and Senior Consultant
As senior contract manager Menno works with great pleasure in the advisory role in challenging contract issues.
Read more about Menno.
Michiel Goosens
Michiel GoosensPartner and Senior Consultant
Michiel is an experienced project- and contract manager with a demonstrated history of working in the infra- and maritime industry. He is skilled in Read more about Michiel
Wybran Jansen
Wybran JansenPartner and Senior Consultant
Wybran is very experienced in the procurement for the wind industry, where he has fulfilled various roles from Project manager execution to contract and
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Shahnam Mochawer
Shahnam MochawerPartner and Senior Consultant
Shahnam has gained extensive experience in the field of Construction Management & Engineering at the large contracting companies
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Erik Rozendal
Erik RozendalPartner and Senior Consultant
Erik is an expert with technical background in construction management of energy projects, including a large number of onshore wind farms in
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Joop Kramer
Joop KramerSenior Consultant
As senior procurement and contract manager did Joop gain extensive knowledge with civil engineering projects and offshore (renewable) energy projects
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Pauline de Bruijn - Segeren
Pauline de Bruijn - SegerenConsultant
As a versatile professional, Pauline is, above all, an experienced lawyer specialising in public procurement law.
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Ernst van Hulten
Ernst van HultenSenior Consultant
Based on his extensive experience through hands-on involvement in onshore and offshore wind energy projects, Ernst has the skills and knowledge to
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Roy Koster
Roy KosterSenior Consultant
Roy’s focus is on airport projects, he is an allround technical developer with a focus on property maintenance.
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Mariya Ivanova
Mariya IvanovaConsultant
Mariya has a civil engineering background and has the role of process coordinator for several complex projects in the field of
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Luc Bax
Luc BaxConsultant
Luc is a technical business scientist and as coordinator, he directs the project processes of small projects to make them run smoothly in the turbulent
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Rohaam Parandakhteh
Rohaam ParandakhtehSenior Consultant
Senior project manager and process manager with proven record in feasibility, tendering, planning, and execution of infrastructure, wind, shipbuilding, oil & gas (offshore and onshore) projects. Read more about Rohaam
Belinda Liebrecht
Belinda LiebrechtConsultant
As an experienced engineer in the development and coordination of construction projects and fire safety, Belinda has developed widely on
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Jeroen van Staayeren
Jeroen van StaayerenConsultant
For Jeroen, the focus is on the contract management of new construction and renovation projects on buildings.
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René Gielen
René GielenSenior Consultant
Integral project management of construction projects is René ‘s field of expertise, specialised in commercial construction, projects at airports and international
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Erwin Put
Erwin PutConsultant
Erwin is a civil Engineering key coordinator and Project Professional. He has extensive experience at Rijkswaterstaat where he has the traditional way of
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Jeroen van der Sloot
Jeroen van der SlootSenior Consultant
As a project and contract manager with extensive knowledge of development and realisation phases, Jeroen accomplished different projects in the high
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Tim Gademan
Tim GademanSenior Consultant
As an experienced procurement advisor Tim uses his extensive knowledge of procurement in Design & Construct. He adapts this knowledge
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Emile Kool
Emile KoolSenior Consultant
With a background in IT and the rail world, Emile has laid the foundations for his experiences with security projects at airports.
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Gerlinde Holster
Gerlinde HolsterConsultant
As a result driven professional Gerlinde is a specialist in document control, information management and quality management.
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Pim van der Aa
Pim van der AaSenior Consultant
Pim is a very experienced lead project manager of ICT projects with extensive experience as an IT professional. He combines people management with
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Marsha Goosens
Marsha GoosensSenior Consultant
From her civil engineering background, Marsha has developed into a senior environment manager in the world of infrastructural
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Hans van Dasler
Hans van DaslerSenior Consultant
For Hans the engineering of the mechanical engineering is above all a world of possibilities. He excels in puzzling and figuring, he gets
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Olav Hoekzema
Olav HoekzemaSenior Consultant
Olav is an allround EPC Procurement & Contract manager with extensive knowledge in procurement and contract management.
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Steve Ellis
Steve EllisSenior Consultant
Strongly operating on strategies and structures in various technical disciplines, Steve is a result driven and decisive strategist.
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Joop de Jong
Joop de JongSenior Consultant
Joop is a contract manager with a love for the maritime sector and water sports. He studied higher marine engineering,
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Martijn Kuiter
Martijn KuiterConsultant
Martijn is junior asset manager and has his focus on the intersection of data management and process management in complex construction projects.
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Gerard Nakken
Gerard NakkenSenior Consultant
Gerard is a versatile contract manager with extensive technical background and hands-on approach. That is typically Gerard.
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Willem Klinker
Willem KlinkerSenior Consultant
Willem approaches projects as an allround contract and tender manager with a helicopter view as well as with an eye for detail. He has a strong vision for
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Hans Sleper
Hans SleperConsultant
As a site manager, Hans has realised various projects in the construction of onshore wind farms. His knowledge is widely developed.
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Rogier Fernhout
Rogier FernhoutSenior Consultant
Rogier is an experienced project and contract manager with extensive knowledge in the execution of projects in civil infrastructure.
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Bastiaan Burger
Bastiaan BurgerSenior Consultant
Bastiaan is a result-driven civil engineer with a typical approach cherry mentality. He has extensive experience in the development, engineering and
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Matthijs Knollenburg
Matthijs KnollenburgSenior Consultant
Matthijs is a maritime construction specialist, accustomed to working under pressure on offshore and onshore projects.
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Jeroen Kohlrautz
Jeroen KohlrautzConsultant
Jeroen knows Schiphol airport very well, he gives guidance to the realisation of sometimes tricky projects in the 24/7 hectics of the airport.
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Reinout Pieters
Reinout PietersConsultant
After his graduation in Construction Management & Engineering at Delft, Reinout started as a System Engineer at Aratis.
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