september 22 – 2021

On behalf of the client Molenrak (consisting of Vattenfall and SwifterwinT), Aratis is responsible for the integral construction management of the Balance of Plant, Wind turbines and Transport & Installation contracts for the realization of the nearshore part of Windplanblauw.

As with the onshore part of Windplanblauw, Aratis is supported for this construction management of the 24 wind turbine park by its cooperation partners Halsten, Windunie, Arcadis, Windbase, Topwind, IX Wind, WSP and ENSOL.

Windplanblauw nearshore

As a result of Molenrak’s investment decision, the design phase with the contracting parties started immediately. The implementation will start in Q2 2022, with the wind turbines being installed in 2023. This nearshore part of Windplanblauw is scheduled to be ready in Q4 2023.

Dismantling Irene Vorrink windfarm

The initiators of Windplanblauw also have the obligation to dismantle 74 existing wind turbines. Of these, 28 wind turbines are located in the water of the IJsselmeer. This wind farm called ‘Irene Vorrink’ is owned by Vattenfall. In the spring of 2022, these wind turbines will be dismantled by the contractor under the supervision of Aratis.

Civiltechnical Infrastructure

Ballast Nedam designs and builds so-called cofferdam structures for the 24 wind turbine foundations, as well as laying the park cabling and the connection to the substation near Swifterbant.

Integrated Construction Management

Aratis works with its cooperation partners and the contractors according to the IPM model with full use of the Aratis Project Information Management System (PIMS) within the project organization. With this integrated approach, Aratis fulfills the wishes of the clients to manage the parts of the park as a whole. This integrated approach also means that stakeholder management and communication are organized centrally.

For current information about the project, visit