From Aratis we are involved in various construction teams. Often from the role of contract manager and/or purchasing advisor. We therefore see that slowly but surely the construction team is used more often in construction projects and that there is further development in the use of the construction team. A good development, because the construction team is a welcome addition to the range of contract forms from which to choose. By applying the construction team, knowledge and skills of the market are used, whereby the client remains closely involved in the progress of the process and the choices that must be made in it. From the increase in the number of construction teams, it is logical that there are initiatives to apply standardization in the models used for a construction team. However, each project has its own unique characteristics that make it necessary to make project-specific provisions and nuances within the construction team.

Aratis is currently working on further developing the construction team. An important focus area in this is the way in which the people involved give substance to the construction team. Working within a construction team requires certain skills that not everyone naturally has. It is crucial to gain insight into this in the preparation phase, to have the conversation about it and possibly to take action. This creates the right basis for working in a construction team.

Another important focus area is linking the preparation phase to the realization phase. In practice, we still see too often that the preparation is completed in collaboration and then the realization is filled in again from a separate client / contractor role. As a result, important parts that made the construction team a success are often lost again. By better continuing the collaboration and risk-based approach from the preparation phase to the realization phase, both client and contractor jointly ensure a successful project. The success of a project is not only dependent on the proper completion of the construction team phase, but also on the realization phase. In a next Perspective of Menno Wouda this will be discussed in more detail.


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