The municipality of Haarlem was faced with the following task: ‘To set up a renewed cooperation with the market for the management and maintenance of the total public space’. This allowed the municipality to concentrate on its management role and thus save costs.

UAV-GC contracts
Aratis wrote the best approach to this question and then drew up the necessary contracts and supervised the tender. This eventually led to 12 UAV-GC contracts, of which 6 were tendered at European level and 6 were “outsourced”. By opting for a task-setting budget, bidders could not distinguish themselves on price, but only on quality. This innovative way of contracting is interesting for many municipalities, because the quality of services has improved while the costs have become lower.

Menno Wouda
Menno Wouda
As a senior contract manager Menno has the advisory role in challenging contract issues and he solves it with great pleasure.

Read more about Menno

Pauline de Bruijn
Pauline de Bruijn
Pauline advises and assists clients of Aratis and Aratis Consultants in their procurement issues and procedures.

Read more about about Pauline

Michel Stoelinga
Michel Stoelinga
With the establishment of Aratis Groep in 2007, Michel followed his ambition to manage contract risks for clients in various markets.
Read more about Michel
Michiel Goosens
Michiel Goosens
Michiel is a senior contract manager and project manager in the GWW sector with an open mind for innovative contracting.

Read more about about Michiel

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