Kees Lindhout is an experienced project specialist with broad experience in various IPM roles within various project teams. He has gained experience in environmental management, contracts management, process management and as a team leader of mainly civil engineering projects such as the Betuweroute and for Rijkswaterstaat and the Municipality of Haarlem. Kees also worked on utility construction projects such as The Hague Central Station and Rotterdam Hart van Zuid area development.

Because he has a helicopter view within projects rather than a preference for detail, because of his broad interests but also because of his people-orientation, environmental management is one of the areas of expertise in which Kees feels at his best.

Check out his colleagues here .

See here the project of Kees:

WindplanBlauw (application Process Management by Aratis System Experts)

PIMS was used in Windplanblauw to give shape and structure to the integral management approach and thus to control the complexity of the project...