Woman at the top!

Marsha Goosens, Operational Environment Manager Infra, works enthusiastically in a real man’s world. Marsha, originally from Iran, switched to Civil Engineering after studying HTS Architecture. After graduating, she started at BAM and through various clients and roles she worked as a self-employed person on behalf of the Port of Rotterdam Authority. For example, Marsha was involved in the construction of the Container Exchange Route (CER) on the ”tweede” Maasvlakte.

To feel comfortable as a woman in this ‘man’s world’, you have to dare to be vulnerable. According to Marsha, this also applies to men. “My appeal to women, but perhaps even more to men, is to open yourself up. Dare to be vulnerable and connect. With that you build bridges. Not only in the landscape, but especially between people”.

Marsha loves to work on a project in a team. Humor and lightness are very important. ”A day not laughing is a day not lived!” says Marsha, who has had a connecting role within projects through her position as Environment Manager.

Curious about the full interview? Then click on the following link: https://www.gww-bouw.nl/artikel/over-ondernemen-moederschap-en-bruggen-slaan-tussen-mensen/

Source: GWW bouw nr. 3 2019 June-July