Port of Rotterdam

Currently the Port of Rotterdam is constructing the Container Exchange Route (CER) to connect the container terminals, empty depots, distribution companies and the customs at the Maasvlakte with each other. By constructing the CER container exchanges will be combined at one location, so there is no need for trains, barges and feeders to go to the various terminals. The CER makes it possible to minimalise the exchange costs for containers.  This causes an improvement of the hinterland and transshipment product and strengthens the competitive position of the port of Rotterdam as a container hub. In the end there is an expected exchange of more than one million containers each year. The CER consists of civil infrastructure (approximately 14 kilometers of concrete road and three structures over the railway) between and at the terminal areas and the adaptation and building of the IT infrastructure. The scope of the civil infrastructure will be realised by using the design- & construct- and construction team contracts.

Contract management and contract control strategy

Aratis provides the contract management of the CER track on behalf of the Port of Rotterdam.

Aratis approach:

  • Efficient and effective contract control strategy

  • Application of the SCB framework

  • Application of the Interaction model

  • A procedure based on collaboration

  • Pleasant, constructive and professional collaboration with the contractor and within the team

Michiel Goosens
Michiel Goosens
Michiel is a senior contract manager and project manager in the GWW sector with an open mind for innovative contracting.
Read more about Michiel

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