The Province of Flevoland has realized a bicycle and pedestrian bridge over the doubled Waterlandseweg (N305) and the Hoge Vaart in Almere, at the height of landscape artwork the Green Cathedral and business park Stichtsekant. The construction of the cyclists and pedestrian bridge ensures that bus passengers who get off at the Stichtsekant bus stop can cross safely, while traffic on the Waterlandseweg can continue. By using a lift, disabled people can also use the bus stop on the site of the bridge.

From the phase of contract formation, as much room as possible has been left for the contractor to distinguish himself. For example, the contractor had the choice between steel and concrete for the materialization of the bridge (it has become steel) and they were free to determine its shape and exact location. In order to further stimulate design freedom, the award has largely focused on the subject of design. In order to be able to properly assess this design, a design committee has been set up with representation of the welfare committee of the municipality of Almere.

Menno Wouda
Menno Wouda
As a senior contract manager, Menno has the advisory role in challenging contract issues, which he solves with great pleasure.

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