The offshore wind farm Norther is the nearest offshore wind farm in the Belgian offshore wind zone. Norther has a capacity of 370MW generated by 44 wind turbines.

Evaluation of the contracting strategy

In 2011, Aratis was asked to evaluate the initial contracting strategy . The assignment resulted in the delivery of a contract manager under whose leadership market consultations – mainly for the turbine market – were carried out. The outcomes were input for the final contracting strategy, including the subdivision of the scope-of-work in lots. Our contract manager has guided the set up of the Itts for all plots.

Expertise and experience

At the time, Norther was owned by two companies with different interests and (corporate) cultures. Our contract manager has proven to be able to define the project importance in this complex situation from expertise, experience and professionalism. Our contract manager could always fall back on the knowledge and experience within Aratis.

Aratis remained involved until 2013, until it was decided to temporarily discontinue the development of the project due to the insufficient connection capacity in the Belgian electricity grid.

Michel Stoelinga
Michel Stoelinga
With his international experience as a procurement and contract manager, Michel has built up a wealth of knowledge and experience with which he determines and supervises the best contracting of projects.
Read more about Michel
Floris Heijckmann
Floris Heijckmann
Floris has over 8 years experience in the offshore wind industry and has fulfilled several managerial roles.
Read more about Floris

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