Nuon Wind & Eneco Wind

The project wind farm Slufterdam consists mainly of the removal of 18 existing wind farm structures, including the wind turbine foundations. After that, the construction can start of all the park roads, crane sites, SCADA infra, park cabling and customer substations. Together this is being calles the Balance of Plant. This will have to be done to be able to place wind turbines with a power of 4 MW each.

  • New access roads

  • Crane set-up

  • Wind turbine foundations

  • Electrotechnical equipment, including sub stations for 14 wind turbines

Contract management during implementation of UAV-GC contract

In collaboration with Nuon and Eneco, Aratis has supervised the preparation and procurement of the engineering, construction and installation of the wind farm and will be responsible for the contract management during the implementation of the UAV-GC contract for the Civil Engineering and Electrical works (also called Balance of Plant).

Mid 2017 started the execution phase. The delivery of the Balance or Plant was foreseen in mid 2018, after which the turbines can be installed to use them before the end of 2018.

Michel Stoelinga
Michel Stoelinga
With his international experience as a purchasing and contract manager, Michel has gained an extensive knowledge and experience to determine and supervise the best contracting of projects.
Read more about Michel
Erwin Put
Erwin Put
Erwin is a very experienced key coordinator and contract adviser in the GWW Infra sector.
Read more about Erwin

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