Wind farm Wieringermeer

This large ‘ repowering ‘ project consists mainly of partly removing the existing wind farm infrastructure, including the foundations of the wind turbine. Next, the construction of a new infrastructure including all the park roads, crane sites, SCADA infra, the cabling of the park and customer substations, together the Balance of Plant and of course the 50 new wind turbines with a power of approximately 4 MW.

Tender process

Aratis assists in the preparation and tender of the engineering, construction and installation of the complete wind farm in collaboration with Nuon. In addition, we are responsible for the tender process of the Balance of Plant lot under UAV-GC conditions and the wind turbine lot under FIDIC ‘yellow’ conditions. Two experienced procurement managers are deployed per lot by Aratis.

At the end of 2017, contracts will be ready for award. In 2018, the execution phase starts. The delivery of the Balance of Plant is foreseen in the spring of 2019, after which the turbines can be installed to be able to use them mid 2019.

Wybran Jansen
Wybran Jansen
For 14 years Wybran works in the Wind industry, with several roles of project leader implementation at Vestas and Enercon, to contract and procurement manager of on-and offshore wind projects in the country and abroad.
Read more about Wybran here
Gerard Nakken
Gerard Nakken
Gerard is a versatile driven contract manager who has a broad technical background and a hands-on aanpak. Read more about Gerard

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