Training Contracts Knowledge

To deepen your own FIDIC level of knowledge or that of your team, we offer various FIDIC trainings at different levels. The training can be given in both the Dutch and the English language and can be tracked in house depending on your needs based on open registration or in your organisation.

The trainings are interactive with sufficient opportunity for questions, cases, problems, practical examples and deeper questions about the theory and especially the application in practice. Our trainers are active in the project practice and have ample practical experience.

Due to the increase in the Netherlands of international projects, the contract form FIDIC is increasingly applied. FIDIC stands for: “Federation International de Ingénieurs Conseils”. During these various modules, the system and the main lines of FIDIC and the use of FIDIC in practice are considered. These example modules have been developed for training based on open enrollment. For the In house trainings a program can be created specifically for your organisation.

Module FIDIC 1:

The use of FIDIC in practice (4 hours)

This introductory module outlines the main features of FIDIC and where to look for in practice when working with FIDIC.


For a part of the day, the following introductory topics are dealt with:

  • The different books of FIDIC;

  • The systematics of FIDIC;

  • Where does it often go wrong on projects?;

  • Which space does FIDIC offer?;

  • Dispute resolution.

Module FIDIC 2:

Fidic Yellow Book and Claims Management (4 hours)

During this follow-up module, after a short repetition about FIDIC in general, the FIDIC Yellow Book is in particular and the conflicts that can be done in the project. You become aware of the (in) possibilities that FIDIC Yellow Book offers you in the event of a conflict.


During a part of the day, among others, the following topics concerning FIDIC Yellow Book and Claims Management are dealt with:

  • The most important articles;
  • The main features of FIDIC Yellow Book;
  • The responsibilities and roles between the “Contractor”, “Engineer” and “Employer”;
  • Optimising risk distribution; and dispute resolution.

A. Notices and Claims Procedure

  • Employers Claims (2.5)
  • Contractors Claims (20.1)
  • Failure to Notify

B. Claims for Delay

  • Extension of Time (8.4, 8.5)
  • Force majeure delays (19)
  • Delay punitive damages

C. Delay problem Areas

  • Concurrency
  • Acceleration
  • Time at Large

D. Critical Path Analysis

  • Alternative means of demonstrating or disproving entitlement
  • Forensic Delay Analysis

E. Use of templates

  • Templates for claims/variation orders

Module FIDIC 3:

Comparison FIDIC Yellow Book AND UAV-GC 2005 (4 hours)

In Many road construction projects the UAV-GC 2005 is applied. FIDIC Yellow Book has a different system. After following this training you can better see the (commercial) consequences of these different forms of contract.


For a part of the day, the following topics are dealt with:

  • Introduction FIDIC;

  • Main features FIDIC Yellow Book and UAV-GC 2005;

  • Contract Structure UAV-GC 2005 and FIDIC Yellow Book;

  • Responsibilities and roles of key figures UAV-GC 2005 and FIDIC Yellow Book;

  • Choice for UAV-GC 2005/D & C/FIDIC Yellow Book versus UAV/RAW/FIDIC Red Book;

  • Special (attention) points/pitfalls in UAV GC 2005 and FIDIC Yellow Book.

Module FIDIC 4:

FIDIC Masterclass for experienced contract specialists

This latter module is intended for the treatment of complex FIDIC project related topics. During this interactive workshop, a group of cases, bottlenecks and or issues are discussed in response to your own input. Can we identify causes of disputes and make sure that these disputes are avoided? The result of the workshop is that you get new insights and therefore your level of knowledge rises. An active participation of the participants is expected.

In this workshop, each participant will provide a case/problem in an open setting with other experienced contract specialists in advance of the workshop, under the supervision of an experienced specialist in the field of FIDIC.


Depending on the cases provided, the following topics may be addressed:

  • responsibility for information provided;

  • Modifications of the contract (variations);

  • confluence of delays;

  • From outside risks (Force Majeure and unforeseeable physical conditions);

  • Dispute resolution.


FIDIC Risk Game

Get acquainted with FIDIC in a playful, interactive way. After a brief introduction to the FIDIC procurement structure, teams start in different contracting situations and in different roles (i.e. ‘ contractor ‘ or ‘ customer ‘). During the game, explanations are given about the standard FIDIC contracts and the teams are supervised by game masters. All game masters have experience as a lawyer, contract manager or contractor consultant in FIDIC projects.

The FIDIC Risk Game is used to clarify the possible risks related to FIDIC, using a practice to be treated. What possibilities and/or solutions does FIDIC offer itself and if FIDIC does not offer a solution for this, how can you control the risks?

You’re going to group together during the risk game with FIDIC contract situations. We always learn from each other and gain valuable insights. Knowledge, experience and ambition are given ample space in this game. The game makes you as a player aware of the content and possibilities that FIDIC offers and how you can mitigate risks and invest them in the right party for optimal control of the risks.

Click Here For information.

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